How to update your EA Account
EA Help 文章
Here’s what you need to know about updating your email address, EA ID, password, and other information in your EA Account settings.
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Here’s what you need to know about updating your email address, EA ID, password, and other information in your EA Account settings.
了解如何删除您的 EA 账户或 EA 论坛账户,或者申请删除您的数据。
了解如何在设置中将其他平台账户(PC 或主机)与您的 EA 账户解绑。
EA 登录验证助你保护账户安全。当新设备尝试登录你的 EA 账户时,我们将向你发送一个代码,以确保是你本人操作。
Learn how to purchase additional Gem Packs and a Pogo subscription.
您可以在 或 EA 账户设置中查看大量 EA 账户数据。
Learn how to play your Ubisoft games using Uplay with the EA app.
遵守我们的《EA SPORTS FC™》行为规则以免被封禁。
缺失 EA SPORTS FC™ Points?
Be more in control of your account and manage your family’s playtime and spending with the EA app player controls.
Learn how to buy and install EA games on Steam, play with friends, and more.
Learn how to add friends on the EA app.
Learn how to link your mobile game to your Google Play or Apple ID account so you don’t lose your saves.
Learn how to add games to your Library, add friends, and more in the EA app.
Your order history keeps track of your EA app and Origin purchases from pre-order to play, with status updates at each stage.
If you can’t find your games, try these steps to see if they’re hidden, your purchase is still processing, or if you lost access.
将您的 Xbox Live 玩家代号、PlayStation™Network 在线 ID(PSN ID)或 Nintendo 账户绑定至您的 EA 账户。
我们会教您如何设置新的 EA 账户,助您开启游戏体验。
Find out what payment methods EA accepts and how to enter your info.
If you’ve lost your data, stats, or progress in your EA mobile game, try our troubleshooting steps to see if you can get your stuff back.
如果您认为自己的 EA 账户被黑客入侵了,这些步骤可能有助于再次确保账户安全。
我们将向您展示如何设置、更新和寻找您的 EA ID。
详细了解何时可以将孩子的 EA 账户升级为青少年 EA 账户。
如果您的账户被盗,或发现 EA 账户存在未经授权的消费,我们可以为您退款,并帮您提升账户安全性。
将您的 EA 账户与 Twitch 绑定,观看直播即可获得掉落物品。
EA app 让您将 EA 账户与 Discord 绑定,以便与好友和服务器分享您的游戏活动。
Learn about error codes you might get while making purchases and using coupons in the EA app.
登录您的 EA 账户,检查您的安全信息,补习规则以进入您的游戏。
Having trouble with your Android mobile game freezing, crashing, loading, or connecting to servers? Try these troubleshooting steps.
需要暂时停用您的 EA 账户吗?
如果您不小心创建了重复的 EA 账户,这里有几种方法可以将信息合并到一个账户中。
Learn how to download games to your library in the EA app on PC or Mac.
Having trouble with your mobile game on iOS freezing, crashing, loading, or connecting to servers? Check out these troubleshooting steps for Apple iOS.
将您的 EA 账户绑定至 Prime Gaming,即可获得战利品、奖励等。
您在一段时间未登录 EA 账户后尝试重新登录时,是否收到了重置密码的消息?
了解如何将您的 EA 账户绑定至 YouTube,观看指定直播即可获得奖励。
当我们发现您的 EA 账户存在异常活动时,为了保障您的安全,我们会锁定账户。
了解如何在账户设置,或您最喜爱的 PlayStation 和 Xbox 游戏菜单中找到自己的电子邮件地址。
在 EA Help 上获取 EA 账户相关帮助,并了解如何使用 EA Help 网站联系我们。
我们的任何游戏或您的 EA 账户遇到问题?
See how to change your language settings for the EA app and your games to another one of our supported languages.
在线玩 EA 游戏时遇到问题?
了解如何将你的 EA 账户绑定至 Nike 并获得专属奖励。
Contact support from within your game or learn how to find your ID in case you’re ever locked out. We’ll need your ID to help you.
EA app not working? Here are some ways to fix common error codes you might get while installing or running the EA app.
If your download’s not working or your games won’t install, try these troubleshooting steps for PC or Mac games in the EA app.
Pre-load your EA game through the EA app to download it before its release date so you can jump right in at launch.
了解如何遵循 EA 规则进行游戏,确保您和其他玩家能够安全地畅玩游戏,同时享受游戏的乐趣。
管理您的隐私设置,控制他人对您 EA 账户信息的查看权限。
了解 EA 如何处理骚扰和违规或非法内容举报,以及我们为保护玩家安全可能采取的措施。